>>39806180>You like fluffy things.youre not wrong
>>39808757>You wear excessive jewelry, dark clothing, eyeliner, and have a streak of dyed hair.i did dye a streak of my hair once and would probably wear jewelry if i wasnt a neet
>A decent and possibly intelligent person who just happens to be a degenerate furry. He wishes his "tastes" were more accepted but I will make sure that never happens.i hate that im a furry
>>39805881dragon lover and faggot
>>39806110based otterbro. is a fan of swimming and not afraid to help people
>>39806145probably a tranny and a stoner
>>39806154legendfag, but not edgy. really likes power
>>39806177furry who wants a mommy gf
>>39806181based. has a rock collection and can take criticism well
>>39806194thinks pokemon are cool because they are strong
>>39806238stall fag or furry or both
>>39806298you still have your stuffed animals which is based
>>39806300craaaaaaaaaawlllllllllllllllllllllliiinnnnnnggggggggggggg iiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn mmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ssskkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
>>39806384based. has a rock collection and can take criticism well
>>39806402you enjoy relaxing with little to no noise
>>39806415you have a sweet tooth and you enjoy being around others
>>39806421you either think magnets are cool or you have paraphilias
>>39806508you order salads when you eat out and you prefer the outdoors. good taste
>>39806551based. has a rock collection and can take criticism well
>>39806613degenerate that is probably into goro
>>39806653people are intimidated by you
>>39806655couldnt tell you
>>39806671furry that is either really hetero or wants to be a tranny
>>39806866youre manipulative
>>39806957youve fapped to a fox loli or your a female
>>39807053you prefer to be alone
>>39807126you think space is really cool and you take change well
>comment too longpart 3 coming soon