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both ren and narcissa suffer from a fatal weakness - if you use flash on their haunted fields, they turn into blessed fields, significantly nerfing their pokemon and making fairy/psychic attacks a lot stronger and making normal SE against ghosts. so i trained up some fairies and normal types
ren was easy as fuck, nothing to say here. it's very telling that i forgot to put shift back on and still beat his ass easily
narcissa was also pretty easy, but i'll do a play by play anyway:
I send out yusuke and flash, while it hits me with a useless will o wisp. i then draining kiss twice as it misses 2 discharges in a row
send out vaan, fake out, then facade
yusuke comes out again and draining kisses, it hits me with night shade, doesn't do much, i hit another DK and kill it
i was afraid of this pokemon ever since i saw it in a cutscene in goldenwood forest, and it's exactly why i brought vaan and not nozomi. i send in vaan and fake out to break the disguise, then facade, but it doesn't kill. however, it's boosted play rough doesn't kill vaan in return amazingly, so i take it out with another facade.
i go out to yusuke again, hit draining kiss for half its health as it nasty plots. thankfully it just decides to nasty plot again as i kill it with DK
the ace, it's thing is being bulky and spamming will o wisp and pressure stall and such. doesn't work too well on magic guard kliffie the clefable, so i send it out, get +2 cosmic powers up to +6, then 3 shot it with stored power
easy phantasm badge and shadow ball. i also decided to just go and beat morty, i have zero idea how he's supposed to even be possible on intense without just spamming an absurd amount of potions/ice creams or just a retarded amount of luck. not looking forward to chuck or clair, either.
going to finish as much as i can before going to akuwa town