Ok guys, im getting ready for my first giveaway soon. Ill be doing this by cloning with the 2 3DS method, so it wont be for a day or two so I can get a whole box ready. The problem is, I have too many shinies to choose from.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgsHXi4ncrCrdFRCQzRJb1RhYnRWTmxaUUdTRDdPalE&usp=sharing This is my list. It includes everything you need to know about the pokemon, except what ball its in. Just vote for your favorite Gen 3 (for ORAS, just to help narrow it down) shiny. Once i get the 4 most popular votes ill make a straw poll to get the winner. Ill be attaching something like leftovers on it