>>56149223Dressing Tate in a slutty little skirt that barely covers his bare bottom. His cute shota penis stands at attention at the site of my girthy, adult cock. I caress his face gently as I praise how cute he is. I command him to stick out his cute little butt towards me. I carefully insert every inch of my manhood into him. It's a snug fit, but I'm able to get it all in with a little effort. Having something so big inside him makes Tate cums instantly. I turn his face towards me and give him a deep, kiss, our tongues entwined as I begin thrusting into him. His girlish moaning and panting hastens as I quicken my pace. My cock knocking against his tiny prostate forces him to climax again. His tight little ass grips me harder. I let out a powerful thrust, cumming deep inside his boyhole, filling him up with my virile seed. I gently pat him and praise him for being such a good boy.
I call out to Liza, who had been listening the entire time behind the closed bedroom door. Because of their psychic link, she was able to feel the same pleasures her brother experienced. She removes her pants without hesitation. Her sweet cunny nectar has soaked through her childish panties. I press my erect cock against her face. She gulps in anticipation, surprised to see such a splendid penis before her. Up until now she had only seen her brother's when bathing, so she was unaware that a penis could get so big.
"We're going to be good friends from now on, Liza-chan. This ojisan will make you feel real good"