>FilenameThat is a weird pose, isn't it? I mean, I suppose it's possible, but it still looks weird.
>Let's say you have seasonal allergies as a human, and you become a grass-type pokemon, and you have the allergies carried over... how would you cope?Badly. I'd cope badly.
>What is your favorite sound effect from the games?Maybe not /favorite/, but event 05-14 is pretty nice. (
https://dl.sndup<SPAM PROTECTION DOT>net/jy4c/14.wav)
>What would be the most/least useful skillset for a transformed human to bring into the PMD world?>Best skillsetProbably wilderness survivalist, SCA-enthusiast
>WorstAs others have said, definitely computer science.
>You have cravings for a certain food like donuts or chocolate and you so happen to stumble upon some at one of your Mystery Dungeon trips. Knowing full well that some foods are poisonous to animals (if you are any recognizable animal anyway), would you still risk taking the bite?Without a single doubt. That's what the Pecha berries (and guild medic) are for.
>>53640924Going to read this soon!
(Also the image from
>>53640679 is hillarious.)
>>53640980It sounds interesting, so you definitely should (assuming you want to). I'd certainly be interested in reading it (again assuming you decide /of your own free will/ to pursue it).