>>17252393After scanning the room I set my attention on the frying pan, which was on a high heat, and seemed to be emitting a noise sounding remarkably like a faint scream, somewhat familiar to my Dunsparces scream I heard when entering the room, though it was much quieter. I apprehensively approached the frying pan, and with every step my pokemon grew more frantic, I actually feared for my Dunsparces life, though I was far too interested in the frying pan to care enough for it, after all I could always breed another, it doesn't even have the right nature. I got pretty close to it, but I couldn't make out what was inside due to the rooms lighting, it didn't help that the light was flickering too. That's when it hit me, the butter used in the frying pan was spitting, and it scalded my fucking nose causing me to yell. The couple were alerted by this and came running back, shouting reveal yourself. I didn't care anymore, I got that far, found an egg which I was certain to be Dunsparces, and a frying pan. I leaped towards the frying pan, ready for anything, or so I thought.
Dunsparce was hideously disfigured, after all the egg mustn't have been anywhere near close to hatching, it was literally conceived earlier on in the morning. Dunsparce consisted of a liquefied jelly-like substance, which was hardening every second due to the heat. I noticed the sound I heard before was much clearer now, it wasn't all in my head as I had hoped. The dunsparce was faintly screaming k-kill me.
At this point the couple stormed in, faces as pale as a corpse, struck in fear of what I had came to learn, their darkest secret. I'm not sure how long we stood there, staring at each other, light flickering, Dunsparce screaming and the smell no one would ever forget, but it felt like a life time. Finally the couple were the first to break. It's not what it looks like they said, please don't tell anyone they said. I wasn't listening to any of it.