Also, I finally got to roughly translate most of the dialogue between Mamizou and the gatekeeper/farmer/guy.
Gatekeeper (1st line to Mamizou. 2nd line to no one in particular):
>あれ? 稗田の当主? ("Huh? You're the head of the Hieda family?")
>体験版だから この先は 進めませんぜ? ("It's not going to continue because this is a demo?")
Mamizou (1st line to Gatekeeper; 2nd line to player):
>あら それは残念。 (Oh, that's a shame.)
>せつかく この先の案内ができると思ったんじゃがのう・・・。 (I'll need a more fluent anon to translate this one. Guessing Mamizou is saying "I thought I would be able to guide you pass this giant potato field ... .")
Gatekeeper (1st line to himself. 2nd line to player):
>じゃがのう・・・? ("Potatoes ... ?")
>ま この先は製品版で遊んでくれということさ! (Anyways, just continue playing this unfinished version as much you want!")
Mamizou (1st line to Gatekeeper. 2nd and 3rd lines to player):
>と いうことですわ。 ("Well said.")
>今回は ここでお預けみたいですわね。 ("It seems like we'll have to stop here.")
それじゃあ 私も用事を見つけたので 先に失礼させてしいただきますわね。
(Not too sure about this entire part. I think she's saying "Well then, excuse me but I'll have to go take care of something I've found earlier."
>>24859228Pls don't bash my Sariel waifu.