Japan is an island full of degenerate pedophiles that underreport sex crimes and child molestation cases so they can maintain honor and act like moral superiors that never sexually assault anyone and retarded weebs will fall for it and say that CP should be legal throughout the world because "it actually reduces sex crime" even though as stated before, Japan has incredibly poor reporting rates. Estimated sexual assault crimes are twice as high as some current European countries, including the ones filled with muslims. Weebs are retarded. Japan is a shitty country. Their socio-political situation is worse than fucking deep southern states in the U.S. fuck Japan and fuck weebs. My little sister got molested on a train there while on an exchange program and the family she was staying with did fucking nothing and neither did the cops.
>Sex crimes are underreported>http://spring-voice.org/english/>http://spring-voice.org/>https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/11/16/national/crime-legal/sex-crimes-japan-still-significantly-underreported-justice-ministry-survey-finds/>Sex without consent isn't even classified as rape>https://www.japan-press.co.jp/s/news/?id=12842>Sexual assault had a lower punishment in Japan than robbery>http://spring-voice.org/english/>【Article 177】>Those who have performed sexual intercourse, anal sexual intercourse or oral sexual intercourse (hereinafter referred to as “sexual intercourse etc.”) with assault or intimidation against those aged 13 and older are guilty of forced sexual intercourse, etc. and shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not less than five years. The same shall apply to persons who have sexual intercourse, etc with those under 13 years of age.