>>56990876>there is something that bugs (haha)(hehe)
>me about that interview and I can't quite pinpoint it yet.>That said it's a translation and not the original text so it could just be me misreading his tone.I see (and fair on the haircut part). Good point on the translation, it does read a little weird.
...and, having hunted down the source (for the translated text, anyway), I can see why that might be: This was a shortened version... Full text is from here
https://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream-4/Here's the full English translation for Burgh - obviously has omitted details and reads more human IMO:
>We were told to come up with a cool artist who’s a stylish guy, but designing him proved difficult for me. I didn’t really know what being a stylish guy really meant (laughs). We’d already done a straightforward attractive-looking guy with the design for N, and there were specifications about maybe giving Burgh long hair. But if we did that, we would have ended up with two characters with the exact same features. So even though Burgh is definitely cool, I wanted him to have a kind of lovable charm to him too, so I decided on tousled hair with a shape that maybe wasn’t set so perfectly. And then I took some female staffers aside and asked them, “Who’s your idea of a cool guy?” (laughs). Burgh’s design was the result of the opinions they shared, with his eyes slightly drooping and stuff like that. Although he’s got these drooping eyes, we also chose some features like the bridge of his nose being straight. I figured, “Jeez, if all these female staffers like these kinds of features, I’d better implement them into Burgh’s design (laughs).>But really, we asked so many people and the same names just kept coming up. There really does seem to be a standard for what a lot of people happen to think is cool.