>PoisonGarbodor. Yeah I "get" the design and I know it's an easy target but it's true that the design is just bad and the comparison to Muk is a false equivalency. Muk is, ironically, a pretty clean design.
>PsychicMega Lati@s
>GrassShaymin Sky Form. Ruins the original.
>GroundThe Tiger of Healthy Meta
>RockHonestly nothing sticks out too horribly but I might give it to Bastiodon.
>DragonAlso Mega Lati@s but Goodra does still piss me off when I look at it
>WaterKeldeo, but Mega Sharpedo is really fucking close
>BugAgain nothing sticks out but I think I'll throw it to Wormadam
>DarkI was about to give this to Mega Sharpedo as well until I remembered what horrible eye sore Hoopa Unbound is. I don't give a fuck what it's based on, it disgusts me when I look at it.
>FightingCrabominable beats out Keldeo for a coveted double-victory
>FlyingThe Tiger of Healthy Meta
>ElectricMega Manectric and his design that must have been a result of a model glitching out
>FairyAnother easy target, but I'm going with Aromatisse.