>>39364588but yeah, that's the kind of shit that is on my mind. Constantly. Every day.
Instead I have to deal with retards saying "Hurr equal pay for women. Gender is a social construct. Bro, borders and shit, the world is flat, we wuz kangs n shit."
Like seriously. What the fuck.
>But if you don't like it, why don't you change the timeline into something more acceptable by your own standard? Does it look like I have a theoretical Conduit that allows me to force a change? And if it does, then how the fuck have I not been government spooked yet for owning a hypothetical ecological biohazardous material?
Again, it all comes off as crazy loony speech, and people will just roll their eyes and say "Schizo. Nice blog post. You should write a book."
And that's the fucking problem with the Day and Age I live in, and in the data I've retrieved.
I live in a day and age of retards who are either cannot understand what the fuck I am saying, or care not to because "Bing bing wahoo, purchase product, consume, reproduce."
It fucking sucks anus and fuck you retards who will prove my point by saying "Schizo, retard, nice blog post." You're the fucking problem with it.