Hau & Lillie's stories deserve a conclusion, moreso than any other Pokemon supporting character
Anonymous No.32747444 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Out of all the Pokemon supporting characters, Hau and Lillie left the largest impression of unfinished business. I would like a Pokemon Colleseum-type RPG that would continue Hau & Lillie's stories.
We left Hau as he vowed to train harder with the goal of finding his father who had left Alola to escape Kahuna Hala's shadow. Lillie, in a much more compromised position, has traveled to Kanto hoping that Bill's genetic transfer tech can heal Lusamine's UB poisoning.
Would you like to see a Pokemon game starring Hau and Lillie? If so, what comes to mind?
For me, I imagine a detective-noir take on Kanto for Lillie's scenario as she searches for Bill while also learning the ins-and-outs of being a Pokemon trainer. For Hau, I envision it more as a battle-heavy linear experience culminating in taking on the Elite Four in the hopes of getting noticed by father.