>>46862947>>46863128>just have sexdesu don't you're going to get it from your mothers basement maybe try leaving the dungeon and socializing.
uuuh no; i don't think anyone coping over (you) judging by all spam entering the board looks you're the one writhing in anger it can't be one dumbfuck who's been polluting vpee since with shitposting in the form of threads written by someone with a concussion as it stands you have no one you're gonna die alone no wants you, no one cares about you; you don't fucking matter to anyone if you died tomorrow. nothing. "it's just that asswipe who was laughing at dead relatives a little while ago" i guess if clogging the catalog and parading as a mentally ill dumbshit on anonymous hell for children's game series is what you wanna do with yourself then more power to ya it's just mental illness that's why you're here why you'll always be here because you are profusely fucked in the head and incapable of bettering yourself. And that's just fucking destitute.