it's finally over
the key was rajesh
i needed to lower this fucking thing's speed
>swap to scrafty on grimmsnarl to rajesh, kill it>shed shell swap on gothitelle (who has shadow tag of course) to dusknoir, kill it>fighting gem breloom mach punch porygon-z, kill it>swap golisopod on gorilla hammer arm, first impression bug gem, kill it>sack scrafty on thievul>breloom mach punch, kill itand finafuckingly
spore + 2 rock tombs from breloom, 8 speed evs on rajesh to beat the speed tie, let breloom die, go golisopod, use liquidation, die, swap rajesh, iron head
here i got the def drop from liquidation so i just killed
if i didn't, cacturne would have cleaned up and should have won in
>>54060166>>54060188the thing is that this fight was just like, i knew the strat early on, it just required excessive levels of optimization
the amount of losses i had from forgetting an item or not having the right ability or a small bit of rng going wrong was making me fucking die
it wasn't like zetta/geara where i just didn't have the strat, i had the strat and was just going slowly insane
so kind of like playing drakengard