>>36266446No. Ash releasing his Pokemon at the end of every series is proof that the people spearheading the anime have no faith in audience retention between each Pokemon generation, and rather than allow the characters to show maturity and growth between consecutive seasons, they hit the reset button so Ash can start off fresh for every region. They could avoid the problem entirely by simply having Ash decide to box his team at the end of a season with the explanation that he WANTS to start off fresh when he goes to the next region, and bring back some of the old guard if the situation arises, but again, that would require a new audience that just got on board to know about Ash's previous Pokemon team.
Ash is eternally a 10 year old evergreen trainer forever not because these adventures and battles he experiences are unimportant, but because a corporate executive decision has dictated they're not allowed to permanently impact him. The only thing consistent between each series is him, Pikachu, and Team Rocket. Brock and Misty are granted the occasional cameo due to everyone knowing who they are, if only through cultural osmosis of people who dropped Pokemon during or after gen 1 being able to recall ONLY them.