>>15861564She didn't, but there were choices that could have triggered her. All of which weren't chosen. She would have made things worse, anyway. It's a good thing that you didn't run into her.>>15861514http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oITkubwnJM"Here, take this Rare Bone for your troubles, helping us get our fossils back and whatnot. You can either sell it, OR, use it as some important NPC quest item but I'm not really sure who you're supposed to give it to or what you're supposed to do with it...."
>RARE BONE GET!With your business done for the day, you head out, but as you do, the scientist calls out to you and Miss, "Oh hey! One more thing before you go!"
"If either of you see our Jaw Fossil anywhere, can you call us and let us know right away? It's the only fossil we still have missing and considering it was already stolen before Flare came for the others, I have a feeling the robberies were separate cases. Just let us know when you find the perpetrator, we'd really appreciate it if you can get that specimen back for us, it's the only one we have available."
You flash a thumbs-up, "You got it! You guys will be the first to know if I find it!"