Jewing | Jewing | More Jewing | What, you were expecting something else?
Need Bank legendaries but can't afford them? Then convert to the rich man's faith and join us at GTS Jewing General!
>Step 1: Catch a Safari Ditto. Don't have a Ditto Safari? Find one. Don't ask here, ask Safari General.>Remember: It has to be a Safari Ditto, Pokémon Village Dittos aren't believable enough.>Step 2: Put it on the GTS and ask for Xerneas or Yveltal. In the description, put something like "5IV hacked", "5IV pokegen", or "5IV Imposter". Just be sure you say it has 5IVs. NOT 6IVS. That's not going to work.>Step 3: Once you receive your X/Y, use this handy guide to create a chain:>Step 4: ????Step 5: Successful Jewing!