I know its a feminine-ish team but im not a degenerate waifufag so its alright i just appreciate elegant designs [ although i nearly went tigermon over femaleseal ], i way prefer mudbray and lil anenome over their evos so ill everstone them >.<
>>29304082like the team bar komo-o, not only do i not like its design it doesnt seem to fit your asthetic, 8/10
>>29303948pretty solid, but prevo of anenome is better hehe, 7/10
>>29303881lmfao i love it. I mostly hate alola duggy but after realising its hair is based of beach grass o like it better, and it really suits your team. really like this one 9/10
>>29303862good taste but dont personally dont like hangmo-o, 8/10
>>29303661some good taste but team seems to lack an aesthetic, 6/10
>>29303647fucking love it, 9/10
>>29303521i usually dont like hangmo-o but it suits this teams aesthetic, 7/10
>>29303459im a fan op, although i think silvally looks a bit outta place, 8.5/10