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So why is Salandit still locked behind this horrible lootbox?
Is Salazzle this strong that they have to make it basically impossible to get?
Or is it another dex filler?
Why is every single good move(which happens to be their SIGNATURE move 80% of the time) for llegendary/pseudo legendary Pokemon ETM?
Why was Razor Leaf nerfed(Azumarill favoritism much?) but Charmers have actually been getting buffs to their charged attacks just to be even higher in the food chain?
Why is every new dex filler raid, egg or research exclusive?
Why is it impossible to cast a Purified Gem 90% of the time?
Why are T5 raids bad most of the time but when it's peak summer or winter they actually release good ones? They do not want our phones to get fried do they?