Welcome to the Tierno Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about Henry Cavill, Tierno, Breloom, old episodes (DP & XY), upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, Cathcart's dub, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, shit on SuMo etc., etc.
>NOT-SHIT SUBS:http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/>Citronic Gear On's music rips:http://pastebin.com/C2gkFb0g>Newfag Airing/Viewing Order Guide for XY:https://pastebin.com/hWRkxP0FNext episode:
>PM2019 003 - Fushigisou is Quite Mysterious, Don't You Think Sou? [Dec 1]https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pocketmonster/episodes/Upcoming episodes:
>PM2019 004 - Let's Go to the Galar Region! An Encounter with Hibanny!! [Dec 8]>PM2019 005 - Kabigon Grows Gigantic?! The Mystery of Daimax!! [Dec 15]>PM2019 006 - I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!! [Dec 22]>PM2019 008 - Don't Give In, Pochama! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!! [Jan 12]>PM2019 009 - The Pledge We Made That Day! The Houou Legend of the Jouto Region!! [Jan 19]Shit people will ask:
>Is PM2019 a reboot?No.
>Is this show any good?Looks like SuMo 2.0 but with a tranny, so let's watch XY again and also Batman v Superman
>Will my waifu return in the new series?PM 07
>Muh subs when?[PM] will be subbing PM2019. They have the best subs available, so work with them.