>You can only use one Pokemon to beat a gauntlet>You can't use Flying, Psychic or Fairy moves at all in this gym because you just can't okay?!>>55336989Even on normal difficulty, which is what I played opposed to everyone else, there were absolutely retarded changes made, I went in with a Fire/Flying dual type run by the suggestion of a sperg and the last gym which was Water for some reason got buffed to absurd levels, I think my whiteout count went from something measly like 3 to 5 all the way up to 50 during that fight alone, every single Pokemon had bullshit custom movesets, everything had broken abilities and items to complement them, that stupid caffeine item boosting the speed of certain Pokemon, the illegal EVs making things like a Goodra variant never fucking die, it was nightmarish.
Thanks bro.
>How does the Black Emboars lose to the Black Ferrothorns?Bullshit stat boosts I assume from my experience.
>>55337812Considering how annoying they already are due to the game's tanky controls, I am just not looking forward to that.
>>55339211It's wild just how rare straight couples are in fangames these days, I remember checking the Ashen Frost download pages' comment section, unsurprisingly half of the comments in the page, including the roasty dev's were about faggot shit involving Sylvester and Leo.
>>55339322>people who hate communists train rocksHe's just like me.
>>55339393Alright/10, it's the same case as the women in Empire due to the art and such.