Hey there, silly anons. This is the time where Showderp slows down the most but that doesn't mean the fun has to hmm?...
~A man named champ thrusts himself into the ladder...battling of course...with handpicked Pokemon for all our pleasures. Once he's done with his "session" he'll call new team where the 6 fastest anons get their Pokes in...or new champ if he gets tired and cant go on. Not sure about it? You're welcome to lurk allll over.
>http://pastebin.com/0bYpM0at>sator.no-ip.org/pkmn_builds/index.phpMoodsetting Music
>http://plug.dj/showderp-1Very Fun Times
>nineoh8 !ASsG2b31OkHaaave fun~