Repost from yesterday. I tried to put my favorites (that I've owned) but also make a balanced team at the same time.
>>39010721I don't love any of these, but I can appreciate them all. Nice taste.
>>39010747Cool theme, not sure how Mantyke fits it though.
>>390107875/6, I'm iffy about Ribombee.
>>39010832>>39010842Really cool themes, both are 6/6.
>>39010847>Giving Minior some loveAbsolutely based
>>39010890Nice, Audino is underrated.
>>39010987You really like your pink blobs, don't you?
Some good picks though. Some of my favorites are there.
>>39011221Not my taste but cool.
>>39011277What are you going to do with 6 dittos?
>>390116144/6, but nice monotype team.
>>390116504/6, nice.
>>39011709All of these are decent picks.
>>390117725/6, some great picks.
>>39011859Metagross is probably my favorite pseudo-legendary, nice.
>>39012631I have mixed feelings about some of these.
>>39013660Themed teams always are cool, nice.