>>55637128Beat Gaia, the HoF is glitched and turned my Leafeon & Gigalith into Metapod & Machamp kek.
I know it’s not the most flashy hack that really delivers something super unique but I think it’s restraint is an asset all on it’s own. Apart from the modernizations like Fairies, Megas, and Gen 4-6 mons this game can basically sit next to RSE/FRLG and not feel out of place. This game being built off of FireRed is pretty nuts.
Only minor criticism is that every area is packed with Pokemon, which makes sense given they have 720 of the buggers to fit but I’ve grown to like the more limited pool you get in old games, and that’s entirely my taste.
It’s also cool that the story and you catching the legendaries are completely separate and you can’t get the Regis until after the league. Looking forward to 4.0 whenever that happens.
Pretty nice introduction to rom hacks, probably gonna check out either Unbound or Glazed next.