OP from the glad you grew up /vp/ thread here
What the fuck is this?
>>28131732>>28131762>>28131860Either you guys are the most immature people on this board/website or its just newfags trying to be funny by posting "Hurr durr funny fish may may" for (You)s either way I'm fucking mad, yes I am genuinely this mad over a stupid inside joke and you know what's worse? He deleted his name and thought people wouldn't recognise him but it made look like a fucking joke cause he has his TripShit on
Listen Brett you gotta admit this meme is a month old now don't you think it's about time to end it?
And all of you Faggots who think this meme is funny your as irresponsible as he is and should off yourselves immediately
Let a meme die for once /vp/ don't act like a underage fag Brett is
Tl;dr Brett delete your trip,delete yourself or all of you let this meme fuck off and die