Been trying to tweak my team to get it to work well and I've done okay. Biggest problem so far is that I keep switching out my 6th mon to the point where it's not worth listing. Latest choice as Furfrou who didn't help at all. think I need a Pokemon that can support both Clawitzer and Hydreigon, since I often feel like I shouldn't bring in 2 Special Attackers at the same time. Maybe I'm just being paranoid as that choice doesn't have bad results as often as I thought at first, but that's what I'm currently feeling like my team is lacking.
Other than that I'm using a gimmicky BP Scolipede since he's one of the Pokemon I absolutely wanted to use. Tried running him as an attacker first, but with Prankster Quick Guard Meowstic I get off a sub fairly easy with Scolipede. Considering dropping the Poison Jab, but I'm already carrying a Meowstic with no offenive moves so I figured it would be the best choice. Protect is sounding really fucking appealing, since it's amazing in doubles and Scolipede is dying too easily.
Scolipede is obviously not an optimal choice for doubles since BP tends to be shit in doubles, but it's worked well with T-Wave support. Put Mawile and Clawitzer at enough Speed to outspeed a 100 Jolly pokemon when at +2.
Other than that the specific EV on Mawile is to balk a CB Talonflame and enough to 2HKO most mons. Copied Meowstic's EVs from a Nuggetbridge report to have him survive major threats.