Enneagram Type 8 with 2w1
Programmer, writer, rapper, dancer, capoeiristas, adventurer eater (within reason I aint going try korean poo whine),
Kind to my people reserve to anyone I don't know due to being burn out by people growing up. But once a person get passed that I'm outgoing enthusiastic, and to some people find me charming which I never believe myself to be due to self-esteem issues. I'm narcissistic when it comes to more believable things about myself which isn't much. I'm prideful the only time I swallow it is when I know I'm in the wrong. Went from superiority complex in high school to inferiority in Uni. I generally cross the lines when I make a joke.
Other than that I'm loyal, compassionate, hard headed, arrogant, hot blooded but only if the person is testing my patience