>MEANWHILE. . .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I1AsSWsetcTrevor, the adorable little qt ginger shota, is roaming the snowy wastelands on his own after you kicked him out last night. The icy winds are as strong as ever and the snowfall is two-three feet deep, success isn't guaranteed for a tyke like him.
"S-S-S-So c-c-c-cold..." He mumbles out, teeth chattering and dick limp. None of his Pokemon are durable for snow travel, and he wouldn't want to torture them by leaving them out anyway.
But still, there's no denying that this snowstorm is like pure hell. Civilization is another hundred miles opposite the direction Trevor's going in.
"S-S-S-S-S-Soooooo SO C-COLD!"
>What terrible thing happens to Trevor right this moment?