>We get yelled at by mom for leaving the house without saying anything, realize how bad Riptide's IVs are, and we explore the forests around home>We also come across someone who has a legendary for some reason>I catch a wierd looking Elekid, redeem a few mystery gifts (some stronger than others), and challenge the first gym>It's a gauntlet of unwashed hippies and random encounters>Their leader has a morelull and a tree spiritomb; which both get incinerated>After getting the first badge we get on a boat to the next town>The game has taken some inspiration from Reborn and had the boat crash>We wake up on a spooky island, rob a jew, and heal a Lapras, who takes us towards a bat-infested shipwreck>It also has Sharpedo; lead by a water/ghost xenoverse form>But Guts the Absol saves us again>After going on a fetch quest before entering the zero cave/route 3/route 4 gauntlet, we finally make it to Newtron City>Which is being invaded by Team Dimension>We meet a trainer named Alice, she looks cute and seems to like us. I wonder if she's going to use a dragon-type pokemon eventually?>Time to clear out a university campus full of grunts while slightly underleveledWhiteout counter: 0
Badges: 1
Good guys escape somehow: 1
Thefts: 1
A character somehow has a legendary: 1
Absols: 1
Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Xenoverse, an italian fangame that's actually finished>Decisions & catches are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them - dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can cause permanent rules