Time for another giveaway!!!! Sadly, this one is shorter than the Skarmory one since it's sunday (in some places) and /shw/ will end for different people at different times. So, reply to this and any subsequent post I make with a quote that is stuck with you, could be any quote, really for your chance to win a shiny Ivysaur!
>Level 25, male, Modest, Overgrow>Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Growl, Leech Seed>Not EV trained, has active Pokerus>31/31/31/16-19/31/31 IV spread, sorry about the Special attack>IS NICKNAMEABLEPlease include your IGN and FC please, spoilered info is optional.
This will end IN 15 MINUTES, AT 12:47 HERE IN LA. I will choose the winner on
RANDOM.ORG in 20 minutes and the 3rd number on that list will be the winner. Reply soon! Good luck!
>Also, Booper, if you're here, I've got your Skarmory!!!!