>>43757833Normal often represents an innate lack of leaning towards any specific element in terms of what the Pokemon is made of. It's the neutral type, the worldly type, and the simple type. Outside of Normal/Flying for birds, since Flying in itself is a unique type where there's not really many pure types of it, Normal as a dual type should only be given out when there's an extremely good reason to do so.
Girafarig is a great and classic example, as one of the first. It's a weird giraffe okapi thing at complete odds with itself. One half of itself is natural and mundane, while the other half is warped and twisted. It justifies this typing well.
If a Pokemon is going to be Normal/X, there needs to be something very strong and noteworthy about its design to justify the Normal typing along with another. If there isn't anything, just give it the other typing as a pure type.