>>23457387I like Gardevoir for many reasons but these standout the most to me:
-It has an amazing concept behind it(guardian angel figure that can create black holes is just badass. Even though it hasn't been portrayed to create black holes yet I think...)
-Its one of the fairy types that don't appear to be cutesy. And I mean "cutesy" in a way that it doesn't appear obvious (sparkly eyes with happy expression). In offical media its allways been portrayed as a silent figure with a neutral expression. If you ignore all the fanart that portrays it looking adorable/happy I'd say it's design is on pair with Xerneas in terms of serious Fairy designs. Which is very welcome imo
-Its design is very well executed. Simple but very effective and iconic. It reminds me of many different things at once when I look at it. Either elves, ballerinas, angels, paper dolls, aliens, etc. You rarely see a pokemon designs that resemble a mixture of different shit. That shows how really creative it's design is. It also appears very elegant. Elegant enough to be a visual definition of that word. As it's slim figure and bulit in dress highlight's it's elegance very well.
I really think Gardevoir is one of the best ideas in the series. As it's concept, design, nearly everything about it feels very welcome and amazing to have as a pokemon.