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draw poorly your depiction of one of the 14 revealed names.
Dianshii (ディアンシー) — Possibly a deer Pokémon. It’s name could come from deer + fancy + antsy.
Hariboogu (ハリボーグ) — Most likely the evolution of Chespin — Hari (ハリ) comes from pin/needle, boogu (ボーグ) or bogue, is the name of the shell of a chestnut is French.
Gekogashira (ゲコガシラ) — Possibly from gecko + boss. Possibly a Froakie evolution.
Borukenion (ボルケニオン) — Probably Volcanion — likely boruke (ボルケ) from volcano and nion (ニオン) from canyon.
Dedenne (デデンネ)
Horubii (ホルビー) — Likely comes from horu (ホル) to dig + bee.
Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) — Probably Meowstick, as mentioned in a previous leak
Burigaron (ブリガロン) — Maybe a blizzard wolf: buri (ブリ) from blizzard (burizaado) + garo (ガロ / 牙狼) meaning fanged wolf.
Jigarude (ジガルデ) — Is possibly from Jiga (ジガ / 自我), which means ego.
Mafokushii (マフォクシー) — Is possibly an evolution of Fennekin: Mafoxy
Fuupa (フーパ) — fuu (フー) is most likely wind, pa (パ) could be many things.
Gekkouga (ゲッコウガ) — Gekkou (ゲッコウ) means moonlight + ga (ガ) is moth. Literally moonlight moth.
Torimian (トリミアン)
Teerunaa (テールナー) — Possibly related to Gekkouga. Teeru (テール) means tail and runaa (ルナー) means lunar.
I begin with espurr