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Not technically a fakemon but this is the closest place, giving stats, typing, name, and lore to one of the cut original Pokemon.
>Shell Armor
>"Believed to be a descendant of Omanytes, though no clear fossil record appears to link them. Their ink was heavily coveted by writers from the Renaissance up to the 1900s for its perceived quality. They congregate on shipwrecks and isolated craggy islands on nights when the stars are clearest."
>Star Writings (This Pokemon's Psychic moves are boosted by 50%, effectively granting STAB)
>"Their ink contains mind stimulants known to cause intense visions and dreams. Because of this, some authors will seek out an Inksmouth to help create their magnum opus. Some Inksmouth will even willingly grant a seeker their ink, though this almost always results in the author's disappearance after their work is published."