I personally really like both Primarina and Inteleon but I'd be lying if I didn't understand why they wouldn't be other people's cup of tea
Primarina's most notable problem is its gender ratio not matching its design.
Either dial back on the Feminine traits such as removing the human-like hair and eyelashes or make Primarina's gender ratio 50/50 (or preferably 75% Female to 25% Male and more people will tolerate it.
With Inteleon, it needs more bulk. Give it a more buff build and dial the large hands and it would be fine.
A good example of how it can look better is pic related
>>49088517I actually grew to like Incineroar but you raise a point about how they all sort of feel the same.
With the exception of Charizard, Typholosion, and maybe Delphox you may as well have used them all after playing with just one