>>47190603What the fuck are you even talking about? You literally have not provided anything to back up anything you have said at all, and your entire argument is “b-but it’s for kids”. You’re so hung up on that, while forgetting their major media presence in magazines that little kids that you claim are the target audience aren’t going out and buying much less reading because these magazines aren’t for them. The target audience for Pocket Monsters 2019 is parents and their kids, so they can watch together and jump in any episode and not feel like they’ve missed too much, which the director of the show has said in documented interviews that you can easily google search.
> You're a grown man mad at a cartoon getting draggedAnd you’re a grown man on an Chinese imageboard for a children’s media franchise in a thread about one of its anime characters arguing as well. You look fucking dumb for being so un self aware, and even more pathetic that you think you even have the right to call anyone else autistic