Trump card edition
New giveaway! This time we're giving out the aces of the various villains from the generations!
All you have to do is deposit a Cleffa on the GTS asking for the Pokemon you want, remember to set it for level 91-100 to lower the chances of getting sniped.
Please note that there's nothing we can really do about the people who snipe these GAs intentionally, complaining about it in the thread won't do anything, just try again.
Reminder that Mega Stones and Z-Crystals cannot be traded over the GTS, and that you DO NOT have to leave a post in the thread saying you deposited something as it is a bot handing out the Pokemon.
As always the sets can be found here:, Sharpedo, Camerupt, and Gyarados should all be given their Mega Stones.
Note: This Camerupt is currently built as a bulky Rock setter, however it has minimum Speed for Trick Room teams, it's Hidden Power is also set for Ice if you want, and Wevile has Fake Out as a relearn move if you want that.
Another round of voting has started: free to leave suggestions in the thread to be included in future polls!
The winner of the last poll, and next week's Giveaway is Z-Splash!