Morocco 1HKOd Gyarados with Thunderbolt, 2x Ice Beam + Strength for each Dragonair and a crit Thunderbolt to kill Aerodactyl after he already hurt himself a bit with Take Down. Switched to Lesotho since Morocco was nearly dead, two Blizzards and one tanked Hyper Beam and Lance was beaten.
Morocco needed 2 Thunderbolts for Pidgeot, who used Whirlwind, so I kept him in for Alakazam. 2 Strenghts latter Alakazam was done and Morocco still unhurt (Rest and Reflect) so he also dealt with Rhydon and Exceggutor with Ice Beams and Gyarados with 2 Thunderbolts. Gyarados actually missed his Hyper Beam, that would kill Morocco after all the damage from Horn Attack and Baragges, that would kill Morocco on the first turn and used Dragon Rage on the 2nd so that was also a bit of luck. Only Charizard remained who died to two Surfs from Lesotho.
Yellow next