>>156785801.I know girls that are none of those things (I do know several girls who are at least 7/10 or better and play the games, though they aren't show-offs, but much of them are pretty good battlers)
2. You're bait, bait, batshit-insane bait
3. I find show-off-y females incredibly attractive (call it a fetish if you want), so even if girls did act like that, it wouldn't bother me.
>pic related, it's you, OPand before "hurr durr muh autism buzzword," you seem to be an antisocial person with a particular disconnect with communicating with girls who share your interest. I reccomend you try to find a good female friend who likes pokemon for what it is, not its status as a "nerd icon," and stick close to her, because they do exist, you've just got to find them.