>>32208072>A familiar trio makes their entrance from the south.Vincent: Everyone! Please stop this fighting! It's not worth it! Fins, horns... Instead of bickering, you could all be sharing in the things you like! To see so many here so passionate about this, I know you're all great admirers of the beauty of nature and the things it provides. Revel in it! Share it with everyone! Appreciate it with everyone, and don't let your minor differences ruin your longstanding relationships.
Ludicolo: He... he's right. I guess I got carried away.
Marill: Well, I guess I did too. It's just such a beautiful fin
Ludicolo: Well... it is very silky looking.
Marill: And your Seaking horn is very shiny... you've taken good care of it.
Ludicolo: Thanks, Vincent. Listen, stop by my bar any time for a drink, on me!