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>from the day misty caught Psyduck his life was hell
>misty know Psyduck had awesome power
>so every day she beat him and locked him in a closet out of her jealousy
>one day Psyduck is at school an invited to the prom by the most popular and hottest boy in school luxray.
>misty forbids Psyduck from going
>By now Psyduck has discovered it's psychic powers and uses them to pick misty up by the throat and sending her flying into the very closet it had been locked in so many times.
>At the prom the most popular girl in school mismagius rigs it so that psyduck wins prom queen.
>when psyduck is being crowned queen mismagius pulls a rope which releases a bucket full of spoink blood on to poor psyduck
>enraged by what has happened psyduck uses its psychic powers to slaughter every body at the prom.
>Psyduck returns home to discover that misty has escaped from the closet
>misty starts to hold psyduck closely
>psyduck begins to cry as it thinks it is finally getting the love from misty that it has always wanted
>just then misty pulls a knife out from under the rug and stabs psyduck in the back
>before misty can stab it again psyduck uses his powers to crush misty's heart killing her
>psyduck is unable to move from the stab so it just lays there and bleeds to death
The End