>>49800855shit taste desu
>>49800844fellow grumpig respector
>>49800443pretty basic bitch but still respectable
>>49799788cudemon lover, good list except genesect
>>49799750holy dogshit
>>49799674fellow oldfag
>>49799628extremely classy, perhaps the best one so far
>>49799519these are in fact lame and bad
>>49799303>bidoof>>49799284fellow zangooseking
>>49799225desu kino
>>49799068shit taste
>>49799063pretty shit except your gen 2 picks
>>49798748is ok
>>49797491kino as fuck
>>49797195youre gay (except breloom)
>>49796315half of these picks suck and the other half are kino, duskull in particular is a top tier choice
rate mine :DDD