>>48976433>What are currently you hunting?Delibird in HGSS
>How are you hunting it?RE in Ice Cave
>Previous successes?Dunsparce midweek after 6000 Rocksmashes
It has a good nature and ability, but 0 Attack IVs fml>Do you believe a shiny has tangible value?No, a Shinies value is tied to the owner, some people are happy with Dynamax/Radar shinies whilst others only hunt full odds. Neither are wrong.
>Gamerant articleCompletely missies the point of SR, and the argument that the user is "missing out on the game" is complete bullshit, these are remakes with 40-50 hours of content tops.
Also this
>>48976636>>48976575An underground hunt might be fun, from what I understand there is a large table of possible shinies in each area.
>>48976800It's hilarious to see how shit games journalism is, to write an article with 0 background knowledge and then not tweeting it out knowing they will receive backlash.