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Pokemon Master ~ Day 51
Ash was absolutely ecstatic as he practically ran through the lobby of the Sukoyaka corporate building in Goldenrod City. After a rigorous 10 day interview process, he was given the job of traveling to the most remote places on the planet to research Pokemon in an official capacity. Despite similar experiences way back when he was 10, this time he'd be paid and his work would be published in peer reviewed journals of the likes that Professor Oak revered.
Ash noticed the unusual darkness looming and was met with a light steady rain once outside. It didn't stop him from taking a jumping leap into the air and whooping out in joy, not caring who would see him.
Just when he started worrying about how he'd get back to his hotel in Azalea Town without being completely drenched, he noticed a familiar girl with sparkling eyes and a big smile leaning against a post and holding an umbrella. Ash grinned, rushing over to her and giving her a big hug. She wrapped the arm not holding an umbrella around him.
Latias no longer took the form of Bianca and had instead chosen a new form with features seemingly plucked out of Ash's brain as being most attractive. Truth be told, he preferred being with her in her true form. It felt unique, special, and she was just the most radiant and ravishing that way. But that was best enjoyed in private.
"I got it! I got the job!" Ash shouted excitedly to his sweetheart. A slight worried look flashed over Latias' features, but was quickly replaced by an open mouth exclamation of glee, and a very unnhumanlike nuzzle of her head into Ash's chest.
The birdplane leaned her head on Ash's shoulder as they shared the umbrella and traveled down Route 34, the other people out and about smiling at their closeness. Loud sheets of rain now pelted the umbrella as they disappeared into Ilex Forest.