>>21019442duh, you just go around the back
>for some reason the t-fangers think you broke their antenna tree thing and attack you>one pretends to be a sixteen year old japanese girl, as you do>find this guy who is working with Gleis, that guy with the faceleech who was on your side until someone told you he wasn't on your side>at that point I realised your character is a fucking idiot who believes whatever he is told, word against word in the vague hope that the person is telling him the truth>sadly he is correct>anyway, yeh, this guy said you buggered up the antenna tree to cause trouble>he's called Worldbreaker Temulence and has three more of the telefang things>its worth noting they're all fucking retarded and have speed boost or equally silly abilities and movesets>temulence has four full restores and I made him waste them all on the hedgehog thing thats handily weak to poison>beat him >he goes NOO NOT POSSIBLE and fucks offnever to be seen or heard from again