>>25266068this is a mess anon. Some of the pokemon have potential, but really they are nearly all support for a main attacker. And Kyurem is pretty bad, maybe 4 elixir and he can get you along the ladder. So first you need a main attacker. Let's say it's that Gyarados well you need to get a 4-4 line of him. Swampert could be good too if you can get some candies. Regice would be a great secondary attacker so 2 or 3 of those. Others to consider would be a 2-2 line of Octillery for draw, or a Manaphy for the free retreat. This is still a shitty deck btw but it will get you some ladder wins and I am sticking with cheap recommendations/what you have.
Energy. No deck needs this many. Cut it back to at most 12. And if you go with Gyarados/Regice then change out four of those for DCE.
Fatten up your item lines. Four Rough Seas is far better than two and one lab. Four Elixir is better than one stray and energy switch is very situational. If you go the Gyarados line Magma Secret Base is worth tracking down.
You needneedneed Vs Seeker. Four of them. In every deck. It turns that one-of Skyla into a five-of, and the same for every supporter depending on the situation.
Pokeballs pls. 4 Dive Balls and two more Level or Ultra. You will need four ultra for most decks anyway so get them.
Supporters are a mess. Nurse is terrible. One at most if even. Wally has no place in a deck with one evolution. Even if you go 4-4 on the Gyarados there's no rush to get them out because their attack cost is high. Flare Grunt is good but doesn't work with this deck.
Better draw support is an absolute must. Sycamore/Birch/Shauna/Judge/Giov - pick six from these. I'd recommend 4 Sycamore, plus 1 Judge and 1 Gio for their secondary effects.
1-2 Lysandre always.
1 Hex Maniac & 1 Xerosic have a place in most deck. Once you get a Shaymin, include a one-of Az too.