Finale Serena fight:
>Salvador leads with Light Screen, tanking Fake Out and Shadow Ball before Shelly comes in and finishes Meowstic>Greninja comes out and Ice Beams, doing little damage before fainting>Flareon comes out and Lava Plumes, scoring a burn on Shelly, Poseidon comes in and also gets burned (bullshit) before taking out Flareon and Altaria>Absol comes in, switch into Loretta since Shelly is low and burned, Absol uses Swords Dance when i heal, Hammer Arm does over half but Loretta is now slower>Absol takes out Loretta with Night Slash, Firestar enters and Hyper Beams Absol, winning the battleI was livid at how shit my luck was in this fight, there was little else i could do other than use Strength to take advantage of STAB and silk scarf, but there's no guarantee that would have worked thanks to Diggersby's low attack. I think i'm done for today, i need to figure out a grind spot and a replacement for Loretta (which i do have an idea for, but people might not like it).
>>53850927Aside from one HG run, i always do the post game.
>>53851218Depends on how far you got honestly.