>Had an assload of shinies across multiple games>mfw I don't even care about them so I've just given most of them away for freeHere's an incomplete list of the shinies that I've caught/bred during the years (can't unfortunately remember all of them):
>Kakuna -> Beedrill (Gold, Bug catching contest)>Raticate (Gold)>Nidoran-M (Gold VC)>Abra (Sapphire)>Shinx (Pearl)>Oddish (X)>Ditto (X, Friend Safari HA with perfect HP IV)>Onix -> Steelix (MM, hatched literally from my first MM egg ever)>Shieldon (accidental MM)>Goomy (accidental MM)>Dratini -> Dragonite (accidental MM, near-perfect IVs)I'm pretty sure that I've also had a shiny Geodude somewhere but I can't remember where. I could also swear that I've ran from a shiny at least once on purpose because I just didn't feel like catching it. Whatever.
>>36506380That's fucking sad man