Honestly I had a really hard time deciding. I really love steel types, Mawile, Aggron and Metagross were all close behind, but Steelix is the OG classic. I never really see many other give him much love either.
>>31027775You are my fucking dude, sableye would be my fave if it were a steel type, but my faves line up with my favorite typing rank higher than otherwise.
>>31028046Great taste, easily one of my favorite bugs.
>>31028671My favorite bug.
>>31028703I fucking love that fat lazy sack of shit.
>>31028944>>31031775>>31032538>>31032676>>31032906>>31032978Shuckle would be one of my top contenders for irl pet if I could have a pokepet.
>>31032557Warm doggo is a patrician classic.
>>31034348I feel like Claydol is an underrated design. It's actually really cool.
>>31034506He's in my top 3 favorite water types easily.