>O-OH MY GOD, I-IS T-THAT...?!>>54811783I kept late game spoilers to a minimum but from it doesn't seem to have changed, these assholes are still shit through and through, because Jan can't be bothered to just add a few lines of text at least hinting what their deal is, because "le mystery" needs to be pushed for as long as possible to hide just how shit and nonsensical things are when you really start thinking about it.
>>54811789Interesting, I'm still trying to figure out what's the new NG+ stuff, some people have posted a few things like this, which makes me wonder what the rest are like.
>>54811798I doubt it, Jan really can't be bothered to actually write anything compelling, we're sorta hinted what their "goal" was in chapter 15 and it basically boils down to "destroy the universe", but it's never fucking explained why and it just sounds retarded.
>>54811806Sooner or later I think she'll return to her MILF form.